GPS Training Clinic - March 2019
Many thanks to everybody who participated in the live GPS Training Clinic.
Below is a recording of the night.
Jon: So welcome every to tonight's GPS Training Clinic. It's the 21st of March. 2019. Long nights are here. So, this evening I'm joined by Tom from Garmin.
Tom: Evening.
Jon: He does sales at Garmin he's come all the way up. People have been on Facebook this afternoon. We've been doing a bit of fun this afternoon, Tom, haven't we?
Tom: We have, a bit of filming, haven't we?
Jon: A bit of filming. We've been submersing GPS units in tanks of water.
Tom: We have, yeah. Check it out.
Jon: Check it out. That's good. We're laughing because we've had a bit of fun with these GPS units. A bit of a worry at times by people. Okay, so GPS Training Clinic. It's a while since we've done it. We did two clinics on the trot, and then we've had a bit of a rest from clinics. So people don't know, we've asked people some questions, we're going to answer those live. Also, you can ask us live questions on Facebook. So if people have any questions, you can ask. Is that you typing questions in or is some-
Tom: No, not me.
Jon: I can't see a live feed of any questions. You see? But if you got any questions, please put them in the feed, and we will answer them, or try and answer them live, but we've also got some questions to work through as well. What we'll do at the end, we'll get a live feed of this, we'll put it into YouTube. So again, we'll put it into YouTube, go and embed it on our website, and we'll try and do a transcript of it as well. So it depends how that goes, that what we'll do there.
Jon: So without further ado, let's get on with tonight's GPS Training Clinic. So we've got some questions that people have kindly emailed in. So thank you very much for that. We're going to go straight to Peter Chapman, who's the first question. So Peter Chapman sends the message, "I have a GPS map 64S with Snowdonia OS 1:25000 on it. I've learned by using, and have competence in my position in lat and long. How do I convert OS coordinates for rescue purposes, et cetera? I now also want to locate specific sites located on sheet maps, but don't know how to do them. Can you help please?" He said, "I prefer to learn the coordinates in need, rather than doing courses, which have loads of stuff I don't want to know, but I would appreciate some bullet points on this. Thank you very much, Peter Chapman." So he's got his GPS by the sounds of it set up as lat and long, 64S and he's preferring that he get a British national grid. So how do we do that, Tom?
Tom: Okay, so in the main menu we head to settings, and then you look for position format, which should be somewhere, roughly half way down-ish. This is the same on every unit, so it's not just the 64S. It's the same on all the Garmin units. In there, you've got a couple different options. The top option, where it says position format, it will currently say HDDMM, which is the lat long format it's in, and you just drop that down, that list, until you find British Grid.
Jon: Brilliant.
Tom: Press enter on it. Go all the way back out the menu, and that's saved within the unit, now. So unless you hard reset the unit, that's saved and will always give you an OS grid.
Jon: Fantastic. You see, I would set that unit up as BNG, British National Grid before. I would kind of, lat and long is how they come default, isn't it?
Tom: Yes it is, yeah.
Jon: So really, if I set that unit from scratch, I would tend to set up to British National Grid.
Tom: Yeah. Once you've done it, like I say, it's there unless you abroad or somewhere else where you might need to use something [crosstalk 00:03:21].
Jon: Set up as British National Grid. So Peter, I would just get rid of the lat and long.
Tom: Yeah. Change it to British settings. Stick with it, in the UK.
Jon: Exactly right. That's the easiest way to use it. Thanks so much, Tom. Okay. He came back with another question out of the same sense. So Chris from Nottingham say," Is there any way we can improve the accuracy on the altimeter on this GPS?" He doesn't say he got a Garmin or SatMap. So, you do the Garmin, and I'll do the SatMap bit. So, he's saying that the biometrical twitter was ... This is what I was suspecting , will have, he is the same way that we can make this more accurate.
Tom: Yes. So, really just depend on what unit he's got, doesn't it?
Jon: It does.
Tom: And on what's using. If he's got a unit with a biometric count to read an answer something, and the organs of a 64, 62, 67 ... then there's a couple of things you can do. He can spot height that, by how much count it to, while he is walking. So if he knows the exact point for example, he can type in the altitude at that point of elevation and that will calibrate it against the GPS data. He could also live it outside for half an hour just to let it stabilize itself before you go for a walk, or if moved to a big distance, or left for a long period of time, or if left in the top ground for a while then go ahead to use it. Might be a good idea just to do that.
Jon: Could it's just self-calibrated, should it, but it really-
Tom: Some of them do, depends on the model. Does it, 66, for example is just self-calibrated, perfect for calculating itself. And that's why that leaving it outside for a while will allow it just to balance itself out.
Jon: Suppose you think be like going to drive, and start the day walking. You probably hit the car, air conditioning on, then it could jump out and they add pressure that is completely-
Tom: Yeah. It depends how far you've driven, but you can drive past, along the side where the front, and change the air pressure.
Jon: Right. So, on the Garmin then we can calibrate, which sets up ultimately and then we can just put in spin in the spot height, though you say often on the survey map.
Tom: Yeah. Often on the survey map.
Jon: Brilliant. Looking at a survey map, what's interesting with a survey map is, you can actually get the altitude of the map, well certain maps. So within the settings, you can often get the biometric height meters. So with certain maps we completely classify by the biometric height of the data on the map. So with certain maps you can do that, so if you go to section preview of certain maps GPS, go to elevation and then you can slide elevation data source, and slide to get the height of the map. 'Cause you get, with the altimeter or on the Garmin, we're actually getting them off the map initially, well she's nice on the site map. We can have to get the height directly off that amount of canopy.
Jon: Okay. Collins coming in with a question online, so I don't know if you can see the questions online, Tommy. So Collin says, "Afternoon, I have any tricks to 25 and recently the maps of stock displaying, they appear from the second and go leaving, just go. Just leaving roots and position Arrow. I find a contemporary fix, by removing the batteries and then started up again. Any tips please?" They both look each other.
Tom: It's a very interesting one to know what, how much, mapping he's gotten and where to start.
Jon: Can You let us know Collin, what maps you've got on that unit? And we maybe come back to that question, but let us know whether you've got GB map card in there, and whether it's downloaded birds' eye mapping
Tom: Or it's just a touch the top of that data and whether, he's got the mapping for wearing the last user devices.
Jon: So we can pop that in the feed. We'll come back to your question Collin and we'll jump to one of the other ones that I'm going to get. Anything else? Any questions online, please just let us have them and we will try and answer them. So Roger Durant's question number three has been email through, he says a query for the GPS clinic on Thursday. "I recently went to Spain and had downloaded on a micro SD card, the freeze carpet mat before Spain and plot my route on base camp and sent them to my GPS maps, 64s every night as GPS map 64."
Jon: "I checked the map was on the device, enabled it and set up before leaving. To my dismay, when I got to Spain, the only map I could find on the device was the default worldwide base map I got by. When I returned home I connect GPS to my computer. I got a message saying, disc in drive, need formatting and all information will be lost."
Jon: "As I mentioned above, the device showed the map on the device before I left. I'm a bit concerned as I have a six week trek in Pyrenees and somehow life breeds for the needs on a micro SD card. Any thoughts that have happened in any suggestions?"
Jon: So to quickly summarize what, Roger's done then on a Garmin GPS, we can download what's called the Open Source Mapping, can't we? So I think what you do is download some open source mapping and for whatever reason it wasn't showing on your device any ideas for this Tylenol.
Tom: So it could be echoed this aspect that a couple of things there. If it's only a small amount of mapping, a safer place to put it could be into the Garmin folder actually on the device rather than to a micro SD card.
Jon: Yes.
Tom: Then you might not get this, there's potentially a bit of corruption there on an SD card. And so we'd put it all in the advisory less likely to get that corruption when loading it.
Jon: 'Cause the key thing is with that mapping, when you download some open source mapping, we need to put it in that Garmin folder. So if you put it on a micro SD card, we still need to create a Garmin folder. ECON is dropping the micro SD because it doesn't work. We need to create a folder called Garmin name it Garmin. I think it has a capital G.
Tom: Yeah.
Jon: I think it does have a capital G. We can drop that open source mapping on that and my quest eco. But as you rightly say it might call, it can get corrupted and maybe you put on the internal memory.
Tom: Absolutely. I mean you have to think a bit of card got dislodged. It's an absolute classic, Isn't it? And I think you guys use the same device there. I bet it's a little bit sticky tape over at lunch and it stops you knocking it with the batteries or anything like that in the back of it.
Jon: Okay. But I don't understand why that would be put it back into the computer. Why would you want to format, because actually you just know we all have map cards and then we send it all ordinance. Murray afforded by Ordnance Survey Map card, which costs me £949. I wouldn't be happy bidding. So maybe as he writes it might be corrupted all together, make arrestee card. So hopefully I answered question. Collin's come back with some more answers. Cheers. Collin says, "Just got Birds Eye, I bought Birds Eye mapping and the basic top of maps held on the unit memory."
Tom: So the only thing I was thinking with that was, potentially, I don't know whether Collin has or well last unit got fixed, but if you've got a fixed somewhere where he didn't have a map it then it's definitely showing that that location rather than smart way's got a map. So it won't be showing there. The map is what I'm thinking.
Jon: We also need to make sure that's activated as well, the map setup. We need to make sure that birds, you saw didn't seem upset up. You'll see the list of the maps and we need to make sure that the Toto maps are in there. Yeah.
Jon: And that's one of the key things that a lot of people just have ... so I'm just getting back the question ... as one of the key things that people have been downloading Birds Eye when you've got a map card in there, 'cause by default a Garmin reads them up, card does it set? So you download the mapping Birds Eye mapping up. 'Cause the Goldman's showed you once 150,000 Too pro learn about Cardigan that he need to go to the map setup. You need to get rid of it. Like you need to slip to activate. Yeah. Activate Birds Eye mapping and deactivates. Yeah, you're the sub, I have question coming.
Tom: Okay.
Jon: Well you got their Tommy, says, "Hi guys, I seem to have a problem with my sat map. I try different cables and power source but sometimes it charges sometimes at any ideas." Ooh. Right. Why you just don't charge, as you rightly say, you've tried everything cables. So not all USB cables can charge units. So again, that's both Garmin and SatMap business. So we need to make sure we use in the proper cable that came with it. Again, Garmin users well to no case.
Jon: So many people said, hey, I plugged it in it, I can't read my GPS, guess you're both gone and somebody to make sure it's got the proper cable. It could be the battery? It could be the battery that's a fault. So again, I would potentially try under the battery with the Golden, you've got the emergency battery where you put in three Aa batteries. So again, you could potentially try it that way. You should really have a spare battery anyways, so I don't think there's any harm in buying the spare box. You, I think you should buy one cheap history to be doing this. Then we'll get one pen south cheap. Alternatively, SatMap power really good customer support, so actually email a SatMap, or drop us an email if you want, I can give you that email address so I'll just go on to their websites and it will got problems with this sat map.
Jon: They will, more than likely it's a faulty battery and is not that old, they would swap it. I know we would go on and recharge your battery packs occasionally, do go home to ... I mean we send them back and get a full refund. So I suspect Sat Map do it exactly the same. So make sure you get the right cable, E.g, The SATMAP cable. Make sure that if it's a battery, potentially batteries do go try it with the battery. Third case scenarios, worst case stories, contact SatMap and they will sort it out for you. So hopefully, Elvin, that answers your question there. Okay. Jumping back to some of the ones that we emailed in, lady called Margaret the team. It's home, we're a team.
Tom: Yeah.
Jon: " I have an Garmin Oregon 600. Is there any way I can lock the screen cause it accidentally keep creating way points on the map page when out walking?" I think she could do with a backpack to the tool and I think we're backpack tether to keep it away from it.
Tom: Yeah.
Jon: It was a good solution, but there is a solution.
Tom: There is a screen lock on and all of the Oregon, you should get to it by pressing the power button.
Jon: Okay.
Tom: And pressing the padlock which will appear at the budget.
Jon: Okay.
Tom: And to get out of that, you just reverse the approach. Just press the power button again and press out unlock button on the screen.
Jon: Okay. So that's a simple one. So we want to lock the screen on an Oregon 707 50s, is one of the 606 50s power button, and then just press the power button and then just press the padlock at the bottom, power button again.I said initially I'm looking around because we do have backpacked tellers ... I've got one ... oh where's my enrich ... is that, that's not going back.
Jon: We have one here as well, we've got both at the same time. A really good adaptor for it. If you drove past me in a unit as a matter was one, but pat, others are really good attachment six off the back of the unit and then you can then put this onto your roof and then you just stick it on to onto roof circuit. It just pulls off. So that's a really good, nice thing is you've got it there. You're not accidentally going to touch the screen. It was pouring down with rain and you might lock it as we were discussing, the nice clear this guy putting it off. So I tend to have GPS on one shoulder and my inreach mini on the other shoulder. So I walk it on myself .
Jon: So have a look at this one, I don't think they are 17 pound 99. It's our best selling accessory. So I would try Barbara Margaret rather backpack tether and then also look at potentially looking at that screen. Okay. So thanks very much come back and he's going to contact sat mock. That's a really good option there.
Jon: Hey, moving on to questions. John Welsh to Tom sent via Facebook page, "I have recently updated Garmin a base camp," He's a Mac user, "When creating a direct route, the point and their representative numbers appear on the maps. How do we remove the numbers for printing the map and of viewing on the GPS unit. Converting to a track does not appear to remove way putting markers nor their associated numbers. What am I doing incorrectly, is it just the way the way it is? Many thanks Jon."
Tom: Okay. So I'm glad I had this one as a preemptive question cause it's allowed us to look into it a little bit, hasn't it?
Jon: Yes.
Tom: I was having a play with base camp, and I actually can't replicate within a route the way point numbers appearing as we go along.
Jon: Yes.
Tom: We've got it up here in front of us and when you create a route you get in a little black dots between the points which don't have a number of pay next to them. They're just part of that. We're talking about direct routines inherently, right?
Jon: Exactly right. Yeah.
Tom: But when I've created the red pins, which are way please, they do have a name, a pen act to them. If you want to remove that name you can either double click on the pin to open up their inflammation bucks.
Jon: Yeah.
Tom: And in advance you can choose what to display and your if you just choose symbol, the little name will disappear next to it. There isn't built into base camp a default for that. So you'd have to go and do it on each individual way playing.
Jon: Okay.
Tom: There is a shortcut there and the data on the left hand side, if you actually select all your weight points, you can ask it to do it to all of them straight away by double clicking on the mall.
Jon: Brilliant.
Tom: I'm just playing just the symbol.
Jon: Okay, so hopefully that answers-
Tom: Hopefully that answers the question.
Jon: See as all sorts of being the base camp updates, the stuff, this movement wasn't the house yet.
Tom: So the attempts you been a change within that. It's not on the bug fix list but there's been a change within that. So I don't know whether you could possibly try updating the software as well and see if that helps cause.
Jon: Fantastic. Okay, Andrew Gosh is live on Facebook now. So quick question says,"Hello. Is there any way to brighten up the back light when the device starts up? I entered my phone number it lost, but it stays very dim until the device starts up. By then my number has disappeared from the screen. I need tricks 30X."
Tom: I don't think there is, not that I know of. I know you can change the brightness when he's lit and you can change the backlight timer delay. But I don't think you can change that boot up brightness.
Jon: Sort of thinking. Right. So sorry Andrew, I got some feedback to go on cause I see quite a good point anyway. But why is it started up on that? I suppose they will say that he-
Tom: I say they will say that he doesn't blind you if you switch it on at night or something like that. It's bright light in your face when this muscle is-
Jon: So Andrew, solidly we can alter the back light when the units boost up completely but is a boot so it can't. So thanks very much you guys for your questions on Facebook. And that, yeah-
Tom: That's a great tip from Andrew about putting your phone number on there. If you do use your unit, you can, hopefully get it re-owned if somebody picks it up.
Jon: And that's a really good one. Okay. Francis Andrews, another one sent via Facebook page. I'm shocking at this form because as we've just done a live ... spoken about this two minutes ago. Should I have my GPS sets its True North or my magnetic? No. So, yeah. Tom is going to tell them-
Tom: What's a painting class?
Jon: We're just recorded something about this podcast.
Tom: We were talking about this and I am personally and magnetic north person, so the compass and the numbers that my unit is giving me matches my physical compass my hand should give it to you. You shouldn't give it to two navy 'cause I read there's an aside, and I wouldn't go for ... so true north points to the actual North Pole, which isn't really relevant in this case. You've got my needles to my compass or grid north, which is my map, the blue lines. I go for one or the other. I wouldn't go for True north. True north kind of have how they handle that on either division.
Jon: And also you'll be potentially walking those people who are using compasses unmarked as well.
Tom: Yeah
Jon: So that'd be working off magnetic North. Swathing why are you going to be different? Especially, why would you use true north cause we rarely use that. Yeah. So sets it up by default really is Magnetic North
Tom: And that's how they are.
Jon: If you are a Facebook, user, not now, but when we finished this scroll down, we actually streamed something live about half an hour ago discussing that a great lens, which is recording for next week's podcast with the GPS trillion podcasts. So that's going to be an excellence podcast when actually squeeze it in this multiple, see what happens. So okay, Simon Brown, sent this by emails. "Sometimes when I download routes into Garmin base camp, there are hundreds of flags all over them and they appear on my Oregon 750 when I transfer them onto my GPS. Is there any way of getting rid of these flags?"
Tom: Converted to a track.
Jon: Convert to a track.
Tom: Simply by right click convert to track and it will remove all age Way point flux.
Jon: I don't think Simon has been on my webinars. I do a Webinar on Garmin base camp. I did it last night. So it's fresh in my mind and I download a route. This is an example of people being on and download the ... from the national trail website, Bertha, the Hadrian's wall. If you want to see how not to create a route, download this route. It's got 3000 way points. Wow. And there's got pins all over the place. Yeah, a dialogue. There we got on my Webinar, download it, it's absolutely ... Hey, it can't be used because it needs a maxim of 250 way points and it's got these pins all over and that's exactly what we do. We convert it to a track. So that's what we are, what we do there. So again, just right click on it and go and base camp and converse to track.
Jon: We can also do it on the unit, can we go into group manager and then I think there's an option there to convert it into the track.
Tom: The unit that press that many points, anyway. If he's got a route that's quite compassionate, showing the flag, he can actually now change the symbol on all the points.
Jon: Right.
Tom: So it in base camp to make them in a little dots.
Jon: Okay.
Tom: You've kind of said to remove all the flags and just create their, the way putting dots.
Jon: Fantastic. Good stuff. Okay. Shawn Beaton has sent this in. He says, this just came in today, and she said," I was just delivering my 60 success only this week. I've tried it out yesterday for the first, I probably been a bit presumptuous, but I expect it to lay down the line for track back regardless." John says, "unfortunately I won't be able to see it live tonight."
Jon: So I'm actually ... or you reply to John 'cause I can't live in anticipation, but I thought we'll leave his question and see if we can know the answer to that. So he just thought that when you're out walking it would just create this track and then you could tend to do a trap. But the 60 success we have to start it, don't we Tom?
Tom: Yeah. And we've kind of moved to a new system and we started with the touches when the Oregon's got her a refresh, they moved on and now there's 66 years, where we've got away from this. The units when it's on it's recording. So we've moved into this start and stop and he also has to do is press start to start the track, record it and then stop at the end to save it. It just means you don't get these track clubs that include your drive that as a straight line or your trip to somewhere else.
Jon: So we just started finish that track now. If he's bought his unit for was we actually now set it up. So we just press the six press the enter button and then you'll see a little stick to start the press enter again and I'll start and then you'll see that.com cause it would be zero zero start counting up. So you know it's starting to record that tracks. We need to start recording that track, at the start of the day is walking. We also need to save it at the end, but it wants to attract back partly through that walk. How do we do this?
Tom: So you go into the track. It's you recording controls, isn't it on here
Jon: Yeah. So he goes into the main menu or the fine don't we?
Tom: Yeah
Jon: And this was its current activity and there's one that says track back on the seminar.
Tom: It'll start navigating back.
Jon: No.
Tom: Okay.
Jon: If your star at home, as weird as it, we've not going to tracking unit so you know what happens is the map, it looks like it's Rex, that screen because I see it just zooms in. There's no track of that. So you can't do a track back. I think we could have a minimum of four points of thinker to start creating tracks. So if you're doing that at home, you can't do a trap out and just go for a quick walk around the block. It's getting that unit. So to summarize on that, John, so to start the day's walking, just press the enter button, press start and that will start recording your track. And then if you want to do a back tracking, just go to main menu, current activity, then track back or alternatively go find current activity, then track back.
Jon: I've actually sent John and other people might know this about this online resources, online training. You can access with videos in the ... and I've sent him the links to some videos in there, which we're almost starting to track activity recording. And then the other one I've sent you a link to, it's usually a trackback function to follow your recorded activity back to the start.
Jon: So there were any more questions on Facebook. If people are watching us live and you've got any GPS questions, just let us know and we can hopefully answer them. So we're waiting for some live questions. Chris. Mark's caught with a satin matte of question that you asked. We just jump straight into Mark's question now. "Hi John," and Tom, you know it's always a Tom Oh, it's all.
Tom: I think Mark worked for SatMap.
Jon: Oh, does just Mark, just yet. That's a loaded question. Mark, how you doing? It's been on our GPS training podcast to our customer base.
Tom: Yeah.
Jon: You commented. We had Rose on, we did some recording with Rose last week and so, sum up changes. Some are charging. Oh, sorry. Here's some advice. We've got some experts say this is going back to Andrew's question that , he asked before so mark can see that. So this is really good. We shouldn't get mark up next time she's a good laugh, Mark. Sum up charging you by default the device turns on when you plug it into the power source, this is the show. The device is taking a charge. Once it is on switch on, switch it off and leave it on the charge overnight. Okay. Make sure you use the cables provided if the device doesn't turn on. When you look at an Indian kid, something is not right.
Jon: Okay. He says, hi Tom. So that's the answer, Chris. So just shows a world of birth, your lane technology, isn't it really that we get a guy SatMap, they're answering the questions. That's very much appreciated. So I'm glad you got that sorted. So she is mark. And, I do want to get you on the podcast Mark to talk about expedition to Rod said he's already asked you. So come on ma. If you're online, I want to get you on the podcast or that expedition too and now you're like a jolly up to Northernland so on time to do it. So you should commit now publicly cause you were on my Trello board is potential people I need to get on there.
Jon: David Hewson is just a quick question on Facebook. Thanks so much David for that, "Why is there a bearings in accumulated assets and total decent covering between the recording on the Garmin and on the walkers with Garmin? GPS is covering the same routes."
Tom: Wow. Okay. Absolutely the classic question., isn't it? So the way I would describe this is my marathon analogy. So you might have lots of people around you all with different watches on a rural running the same marathon, but why do you get a different distance between all there. So if you're running a marathon, you only run 26.2 miles if you follow the line that they've painted on the ground. If you're running a proper event. Exactly. You have to hear every single step on that line. If you were to weave around a little bit and you'll get slightly different distance to everybody and that's what throws out the mile markers at when people read an actual event It's exactly the same with walking. You'll all run and walk slightly different distances because of the weaving around. You might walk back, but you also then get variances in which satellites they're picking up lots of such lines. You have to pick which create slight variances that add up over the 11th.
Jon: It also goes back to when the early questions we had, which was all the ones that about calibrating it. So actually to make sure that they all gave us similar, I think we'll have to calibrate the altimeter at the start at the same height and then potentially cause of different units work out to buy different ways. So we're using satellites. So we used the altimeter. So therefore, they will all sorts, unless we're all starting off at 50 meters because some might be starting at hundred meters, or suddenly got 50 meters now before we start. So there's different ways.
Tom: Yeah. There's a lot more inaccuracy with high GPS data than there is actual location and distance data as well. So that's where a scent could be out slightly fed than your distant data in different years.
Jon: That's right. So yeah, Tom, it says a GPS would give you a very good distance, less good at giving you heights. So that's why we put the barometric altimeter is in there and actually we will ... and there is going to be that variance 'cause actually they won't be calibrated all the same from the start.
Jon: It's the thing we did something very similar. We did an article on distance, cause I know when Andy worked for is bombarded with questions about distances, and he found this really good article that somebody wrote about distances and I know I guide people for living and the nUMber of times I get to the end of a day's walking and they said, well how come you're to says 40 miles. And My fit bit says I've done 16 miles. My friends just 40 miles. Mine says 11. It's never, we're never going to agree.
Tom: No. Actually no.
Jon: So I always go back too much here or are we going to really classify the length of long distance trail? So in your homes, we'll chose 84 miles but actually burns some measure on my fit bit, on my GPS is now 88.
Tom: Yeah, everybody does it differently.
Jon: So that's the way that they're. So thank you very much David. Hope that answers your question. And again, we kind of, we'll do around that there. So, uh, I've not got marked yet to commit on coming on the podcast call mark. I know you're watch switched off now. Switched off now. Okay.
Jon: Chris Quirk sent via email ,"I have a question regarding my Garmin GPS maps 66 st with Too pro and Birds Eye. I used snuck to route, not sure if that's the proper name. It is the proper name on national parks sometimes or where there is no path. The route will take you on one of the way points but to progress to the next point, it roots you back again the way you went and then continues back to the path. It seems to me that I choose ... Is there a possibility to choose a different option?"
Jon: So what Chris is trying to do is with a new Too program and map card, we in national parks we have snacks routes or turn by turn routines, we often would call it, but he's ...I suspect he used open access areas and times and that's when he's kind of I want to go off pieced off path, it clicks. The GPS routes him by other paths. So is there any way we can change , from hiking pro? Well rooting to direct routing within a route potentially gone base camp on the unit. That's why he's asking, I think.
Tom: So I'm actually on base camp. There's no way of mixing direct routing and an active, what we call an active route. So 10 by 10 profile and so the easiest way to solve this would be if he knows them, he wants to 10 by 10 up to a point.
Jon: Yeah.
Tom: He can plan his route on base camp using 10 by 10 then stop it, start a new route or do his off pieced on the device itself and then use the 10 by 10 to get himself back. Actually, would he need to do to planning before hand, could he not just select the point where he's going to go off the path as the route to calculate it on the device then go off, stop busy walk, go and do his off pieced and then reactivate it to go.
Jon: I never thought to really quite good match. You see what you're doing is this, I was just talking to one roof today. We not potentially three routes. So when you hit the end of that route, you going to stop that point, 'cause your GPS is pointed back . Actually when you hit the end of that route, you are going to stop at that point 'cause the GPS will be pointing backwards .Alright ,stop navigation where two slept routes your next route, which is going to be a direct routes as you say across your off piece there's going to be the take it across and then it hit the end. You obviously going to stop navigation where to, and we start navigating getting intense, so we've done it that way because again, turn by turn routine has to click the past cause that's you.
Tom: That's what it's about guiding you on, isn't it?
Jon: Otherwise we're routine so it's doing exactly what we just said. So that's good. And I'm just about to ... Evins' that .It's just, ages now, budgeting mark on place. It's good to know. See you don't need to come out with-
Tom: They've got one from Andrew there. I downloaded a track around the lake from Commute, but I tried, to follow it and the track was off the walking track at in the lake, any ideas?
Jon: Ooh, that's interesting. It'd be a track that really offer -
Tom: It really depends how that track was created for commute problem here and or it's been converted and messed around with is the other option. And so I'd imagine it's been recorded on something that have recorded it slightly next to you, the path next to the lake and that's what's created the slight problem.
Jon: It's funny, it depends on what mapping that this had been originally created on, doesn't stay. Cause again, different mapping is actually, it sounds a little bit inaccurate. We will go on with our GPS is in 66s, that's like 1.2 meter accuracy. We think we're going to change the world, but actually the ordinance survey or whatever maps that was created by trigonometry.
Tom: Yeah.
Jon: Got inaccuracy there within that's happening.
Tom: I think it's going to depend on how that commute track was created. I don't think it's a problem with what you're using. I think it would be a problem with how that track was created.
Jon: Right. So I would always save, I was downloading a truck again from wherever sauce. I would always overlay it and go with base camp first. Just check. It's right. Just make sure that it looks the way it's going to do. Especially routes because routes are usually, if somebody plugged them in from the computer and you don't know the track, I would always expect to be slightly more accurate 'cause I'm assuming , it's not always the case.
Tom: Yeah.
Jon: I would assume that would be the case. I'm gonna drift back to question one because Pizza with this first question, as I said, came back with another question for that. When I replied back to Peter and said, thank you very much your question, it would be on the GPS clinic this week and you come up with another question, lots of questions.
Jon: Okay. He said, "Thanks for extra inquiry we're exploring, trying to sort out best routes on he ground or identify something like seeing it at the distance. Do I need to use a paper map to get an overview before zooming in on the GPS? Is there a better way?"
Jon: So his thought lies overall root planing solely on the unit, not on base camp by the sounds of it. So he wants to kind of get an overview before I started playing that route. Is there a better way than a paper map?
Tom: And I think that paper maps probably for me would be if you see large scale overview, like the say as go back to base camp or do it on a paper and actually if you're trying to work out the best way to get from one valley to the next, I think yeah, like you say, the paper that he's still way follow. These are only navigational aids, aren't they?
Jon: If you look at a screen like that, I know it's not going to be ... it's a small screen so when you zoom out you just got to go to the big map, which doesn't show full paths anyway
Tom: Yeah.I think paper map is still the way, but we have got that tool of base camp. So if you want to plan before you go or you wanted to get that larger overview, you can print a far from that. You feel like taking a bit of a map with you, then you just -
Jon: I always say , we do this on the courses we do root planing out shelf on the devices 'cause it's a good image to. I always say to people not to zoom out a little bit before you start planning, just kind of just go through the roots on the unit, just drag that map or moving it, and just say, I'm going to go down downstairs turn right and I'm going to go downstairs, turn left. And you just click it clear in your mind what your route is before you dive in. Cause most people think I scrape my real diving, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap and they go, I've got another one, I don't know where I am. Where to zooming out, getting a good overview the way you want to go walking and then zoom in and actually start planning through.
Jon: Go back to that question we had before we started. It does the route it has to be to entirety. Cause actually if I was playing a role on my GPS I'm more than likely getting down onto a situation which I don't want to be in. So actually why don't we just plan six way points, stop navigation plans, plan a route, short routes and get ourselves down in that way. Because as you rightly say, Tom, the easiest ways I'm going and base camp isn't it. Sort plug it in and grow up a base camp.
Jon: Another quick question, Steve Palmer. "Hi Tom and Jon," He spelled my name right, that was just fantastic. "Base Camp Mobile. I used to work on my iPhone but now it says it needs to be updated to work on ios 12. We'll going to be updating it or do we need to rely on other ops?" Thank you. You could reply to that question.
Tom: God. So we have recently just launched a Garmin explore, a new APP which is, obviously ios, happy both phone and tablet now. And the idea with government explorers, you can activate our Too graphic mapping and with some of our units show, particularly the 66 finished five plus instantly, you can plan your routes on that and send them wirelessly to the advice, in which many as well. And also get your enrichment data back from that onto the portal to see where the change has been, where text messages were sent.
Jon: So this explorer app, whoever your base cup mobile systems a couple of years ago.
Tom: Yeah. We really sat down and it's kind of all progressed onto our Garmin explore development.
Jon: And then I see where they explore is you can run on a tablet, it gets your plan, your walk, so they can't really see it that they are open source mapping at the background and you can type away-
Tom: And all the sinks service, even if you've got two devices connected to it, it will send the radio from both devices ready to go with kind of a cloud based.
Jon: Yeah. So Steve, you need to upgrade to the new GPS maps 66 success which uses that or an instinct watches, just say or whatever the new device. So every new device will be compatible with that with that as it goes forward.
Tom: Yes. Absolutely
Jon: Brilliant. Okay. That's all our questions. I don't think there are any other questions that we could still align, with no free answer any questions that we've had. Quite a good live questions and thanks Mark partly for helping the sum up guy out this brain, which appreciated. I don't know, you'll see Mark, we did something earlier on where we submerged active 20 watt. It gave me a little bit of fear but it survived. You'll be glad. I know you've got a good waterproof rating. So if you saw we had a big tanking because we've been sticking GPS units and it this afternoon. So, when the bubbles came out of the bag I was a little bit worried for glad we survived.
Jon: So any other questions? I'm happy to cell line and hope you found it useful. Nice. Nice, to soon with good questions are online is very much appreciated. So just stay online. I don't know what else and we're going to discuss anything else, any developments Tom and the world had gone and why we're waiting for any questions or anything that you want to do.
Tom: I don't know. We could talk about the nuances of different types of, I've got new beds, plus we could have a little.
Jon: We could do have a little, chatting.BirsEye Plus is something that's just come out two weeks ago, was it?
Tom: Yeah.Three weeks ago we launched the-
Jon: Birds Eye plus. We're no Birds Eye, so if people don't know birds, mapping is a way we can download one to 25,000 mapping. It's a bird as I Boucher ed, we always used hub Birds Eye vouchers where we get to download 3000 square committed one 25,000 mapping. And what we do is, you put that credit on, and sign against the GPS unit, down you can download one to 25,000 mapping. Where three weeks ago, the Birds Eye plus came out, which enables us to download 25,000 square kilometers or 125,000 mapping.
Jon: We've started, bundling this in with a lot of the units. So each extra 25, 35, Oregon 750, 66s we can now buy with this Birds Eye plus voucher and actually as two £50 on the unit price. So if you are looking for a, a budget device, I'm going to say a budget way of buying mapping. It's a really good way. It's not route able mapping though, was it? It's not top of active map it's direct route -
Tom: Yeah. Show just an image at that point rather than the-
Jon: 25,000 square meters could be just a size or large in the size of Wales.
Tom: I swear every national park I think under a bit more as well as show. Yeah, it's a good chunk of area.
Jon: So take a look at that and a, and we say a lot of units, especially with things like touch 25, it's just that he finds no people. They'll just be aware on those units, you'll need a mic. Rusty called a blank one, because they take up so much memory, don't want this and not enough memory on the internal storage. So we need to put my crest, he called a micro SD cards. It not five quid, aren't they?
Jon: Really know the quick question. This is right up from Tom because he's got a somewhat show over there.
Tom: I watched Fenix on
Jon: So, could you give a brief overview of the difference between the instinct and Phoenix, including weights and units? Please, so.
Tom: So I think the instinct closest friend in the Phoenix series is the Phoenix five, so not the current plus, but they're the Phoenix five beforehand. So it's kind of akin to that Phoenix five but slightly pared back in terms of premium features. Okay, so a Phoenix product, so this is a Phoenix at five. I've got the metal out of Basil. Five plus has their Meta lab Tobelo, so also got stainless steel back. You've got things like the quick release straps on here as well. The instinct that removes a lot of those features. So it's, the rubberized body. You haven't got quick relief straps and you haven't got their swanky stainless steel top.
Tom: There's all either but to intention purposes, a lot of it is very similar. You've still got all the three, and through actually compare the barometric altimeter. It's also self calibrating. You've got the navigation features, which are exactly the same. Both of them will give you an lS grid references lat long go anywhere else in the world. You can follow a route on there, you can track back. The only top end performance features are things like, you can't do triathlon.
Jon: Right.
Tom: With an instinct come with an-
Jon: And so we can do multi activities or walking or we can go cycling.
Tom: All the individual activities are in that all the way down to your gym. You Elliptical.
Jon: Yeah.
Tom: You got the role in that, but you can't join them together like the feelings and you can't add things to an instant. Like you can't be the Phoenix, you can't use that connect IQ style.
Tom: You can't add the watch faces is about 10 watch faces and that's it. That'll show a lot. But there is quite a price difference between the two.
Jon: There is, yeah. A man's black and white screen is-
Tom: Yeah gray scale screen grants your Fenic colour screen. Weightwise, 52 grams on the Instinct, 86 on a Fenix.
Jon: I'm going to say actually told was doing this off the topic, I'm impressed that you know the differences-
Tom: And that's the way, and that's one of the standard version of air of a Phoenix. There is obviously the Titanium are slightly like that.
Jon: Yeah. And as you rightly say, the price difference, the two six, nine, nine, nine, we do it in this fantastic but flame red. And then we've got it in the graphite cooler and then the Phoenix five plus starting from five, nine five isn't set up.So I stopped based model, which is a five, nine, five. And then we've got a sapphire scheme which has a dome screen and that better screen. And then we've got pluses and it plus she's in the sapphire.
Tom: Yeah the feet plus these are slightly different, aren't they in here you've got mapping in now, which don't have. So that kind of a step up again, that's why I compared it to the Phoenix five rather than the five buckets. And yesterday we announced two new colors and its interesting in Sun best and the lakeside blue.
Jon: Yeah, Lakeside blue, we feel like calling them differently slightly. What's the sea blue?
Tom: Sea forms blue from the Fenix. That's also called come in interesting-
Jon: So we there's a bit of a fight in the office where it's discussion before the, the girls or pinch the demo units., FenixPhoenix in sea foam blue or walker on the office and yeah, we're kind of a very pleased and they were raving about them before so that it needs to be priced back off the wrists because their bay, which is enjoying it.
Jon: Okay. Hopefully that Chris gives you a bit of an overview on the different, what cheese. We'd also done bits on the podcast as well about the waters where we go over each of the watch. Still haven't listened to that. If you can. David Hewson has a good question online, "I have a five year old GPS map 62 with a large, Helix with a GPS aerial on your desk. Ariel, like the GPS on your desks, which is the 62. Is there a need for such a large aerial with the current chip set"
Tom: Under normal operating conditions, so if are still in the field and you've got really good GPS, signal potentially, now an hour ago will perform very similarly to a six patch. Ariel, the antenna is here. Where is this one? You've got that wraparound Helix Santana. What the Helix Santana means is it can pick up signal for lots of different directions rather than just the flat patch antenna and cashed.
Tom: This is the best direction to get it from.While the 66 comes into its own is when you've got those difficult operating conditions, it can pick up signals from slightly more directions. So if you're in narrow, narrow values ravines, and the one that I always use is really northern and southern hemisphere where we've got less GPS satellite coverage. There's the 66 will really come into its own in those points. And it could be just clear cover. I mean tree cover, it doesn't affect them like you did 10 years ago and but if you've got money again, tree cover as 66 will perform better than an Oregon. So it's just about those difficult conditions rather than comparing a standard.
Jon: And also as well. I know, no you're saying you got a 62 day but I didn't know what we look at. The 66 is, I see you were using the day or European satellites , we're still going to use and I'm just looking at me date does it before we let you get out you're, but anyway, but we can continue to use that and actually I'm astonished and I'd done a bit to do with the show. I don't know if it's the Galileo, I'd be out walking out the accuracy. Thomas, it's just unbelievable what sort of venture he meets.
Jon: So accuracy, that's not even the tables more than a meter wide and these things inside the pickup satellite signals incised phenomenally. So binge eating to compare that when we get an Oregon or a patch one with the Galileo be inches, put them side by side by side and see actually what, what the differences are. I've been reading some shouldn't reviews online, especially on YouTube, but actually a lot of people saying that actually if you hold that, oh, but it works better but right than laying it flat.
Jon: Yeah, that makes sense. The way that technology is.
Tom: Yes. Kind of wrap around.
Jon: You've got it in your backpack tether and you've, you're carrying out and about. I suppose that will get that little bit more accuracy there as well.
Tom: The 66 quads really was really designed as that our top end pinnacle expedition product from my point of view as well, having the area each under the bet you can get hold of it. The big thick gloves on. Yeah. It's just another rubberized bet that means he's not going to slip up your hand. You said sometimes the simple things that make matter it worth it.
Jon: So, we did something for the pocket. There's not actually not yet published. We did a lot of debate where actually the 66s was actually taken a lot of the org or taking some of the Oregon customers. Cause actually in the past when you were looking at your 62 day it is , you know, always had a smaller screen than what the Oregon did.
Jon: So people naturally go for, I want a bigger screen when the six to six has come up because this is the same size screen. It's an Oregon. A lot of people say, oh right, now, the quite comparable to I want a button GPS units and what do I want to touch screen or on price as well.
Tom: Yeah. So they are very similar on price ,its well organized, yeah.
Jon: It's quite interesting that quite a lot of you say you went to war because you had gloves on and and things actually, that ruggedness is there. Okay. I see. I think, I don't know if any of the questions we've done 50 minutes. So hope you enjoyed it. Everybody,
Tom: Yeah. It's three years.Time flies.
Jon: So we'll have to do another one. Thank you very much everybody for joining us this evening. I'm sure if you've got any other questions you were asking me, pop them in the Facebook. I'm sure
Tom, when citizens lonely hotel rooms, I think there's a lot of time we'll answer these question. That's what you tell him.
Jon: Okay. I'm happy to answer it. And, yeah, so we can, we can do that. So I'll just finish off with a few things. So many thanks for watching and taking part in tonight. GPS Training Clinic. If you bought a GPS unit from us and you know, you get your technical support, you've seen this evening, hopefully there's a fair bit of knowledge between GPS training and a shepherd's walks. We see our parent company, as you appreciate and don't take this wrong way normally, if you have not bought a GPS unit for us, we can't give you that technical support, but hopefully you will appreciate what we've done. A GPS training online resource is the best place to anything from us.
Jon: If you look on the website, GPS trending online resource at the top and just click on that and you can get to see all our videos and things that ...and please don't forget to look at our website, which is at gpstraining.co.uk and you'll see a lot of technical information on there. So many thanks Tom for joining me this evening on GPS Training Clinic. Thank you so much everyone for taking part. I really enjoyed those live questions, they are really good live questions and thanks Martin for jumping on there as early as you sort of satellites taxes. That's been really very well. Have a good evening everybody, whatever you're going to do. And thanks very much for watching this month's GPS Training Clinic.