The frequently asked questions we get about …..
This series of videos answer the frequently asked questions we get about a number of subjects relating to Outdoor GPS units, GPS watches, route planning software and a plethora of subjects that you have asked us about over the years.
Quick Links - FAQ's
1. GPS Training Ordnance Survey Route Planning Software
2. GPS units with a built in battery
3. How do you/ can you update Ordnance Survey Maps on a Garmin GPS unit
4. What are the differences between a GPS watch and GPS unit?
5. Two-way satellite communicators - what are the main differences
6. Can I learn to use my GPS by watching your 'walk and talk' videos?
7. How do we work out the trade in value?
8. Is that your best price - can you do the GPS unit any cheaper?
9. What is the difference between a route, track and course?
10. What is going on with Bullitt and the Motorola Defy - Satellite Link?
11. Do I have to pre-plan my walk - GPS unit
1. GPS Training Ordnance Survey Route Planning Software
The frequently asked questions we get about ….. The GPS Training Free Ordnance Survey Route Planning Software
1 - 00:00 - What is the free OS route planning software?
2 - 01:15 - Where can I find the free OS route planning software?
3 - 01:48 - How do I download the software?
4 - 02:16 - Is it better than Garmin BaseCamp or Xpedition 2?
5 - 03:53 - Can you make the map any bigger?
6 - 04:30 - Will it always be free?
7 - 06:51 - How do I use it?
8 - 07:23 - Will I see the OS maps on my GPS unit?
I very much hope this has helped and answered your FAQ’s about the GPS Training free Ordnance Survey Route Planning Software
2. GPS units with a built in battery
1 - 01:00 - Which Outdoor GPS units am I talking about?
2 - 01:40 - What battery loss are you experiencing/ expecting and over what time?
3 - 03:15 - Tips for extending the life of a built in battery in a GPS unit?
4 - 05:32 - How many units have we had back with batteries not performing the way they should be?
5 - 06:07 - Are Garmin going to change batteries?
6 - 06:30 - Is anybody else changing batteries or can you do it yourself?
3. Can you and how to update Ordnance Survey maps on a Garmin GPS unit
1 - 01:00 - Why have OS maps on a Garmin unit when many units come pre-loaded with Topo Active maps?
2 - 02:23 - How do you update OS maps on a Garmin GPS unit?
3 - 03:00 - How often do OS update they maps?
4 - 03:32 - Does anything change on OS maps?
4. What is the difference between a GPS watch and GPS unit?
1 - 00:00 – Introduction
2 - 01:10 - What are the main differences between a GPS watch and a GPS unit?
3 - 02:37 - Can you put OS maps on a GPS watch/ GPS unit?
4 - 03:56 - Which is easiest to use?
5 - 05:37 – Can you navigate with just a GPS unit/ watch?
6 - 06:56 – How does the navigational experience differ?
7 - 08:30 - Which is cheaper/ best value for money?
8 - 09:21 - What activities would you use each for – Watch/ GPS unit?
5. Two-way satellite communicators - what are the main differences
1 - 00:00 - What are two-way satellite communicator?
2 - 03:30 - What products are you talking about?
3 - 04:14 - Do you need a contract for them to work?
4 - 05:40 - Do they all use the same satellite systems to send/ receive messages?
5 - 06:45 - Does the satellite network effect the performance in any way?
6 - 09:03 - Do they cover everywhere in the world i.e. can you use them everywhere?
7 - 10:10 - Can you use them in every country?
8 - 11:10 - Do the two-way satellite communicators send/ receive messages instantaneously?
9 - 13:44 - Can the two-way satellite messages be used to navigate with?
10 - 15:05 - Which is best?
6. Can I learn to use my GPS unit/ GPS watch using the 'walk and talk' series?
1 - 00:00 - introduction
2 - 00:50 - What is the ‘walk and talk’ series on YouTube/ GPS Training website?
3 - 01:50 - Can I use this series of videos to learn how to use my GPS unit/ GPS watch?
4 - 03:20 - How can I get to grips with my GPS unit/ GPS watch -
- Online resource – GPS Training online resource
- Get a discount code here - Discount code for GPS Training online resource
- 1:1 over Zoom - more here
- Physical courses around the UK - more here
7. How do we work out a trade in price?
1 - 00:00 – Introduction
2 - 00:20 – What can you trade in
3 - 01:40 - How do we work out the trade in value?
4 - 04:45 – What are the trade in options?
8. Is that your best price, can you do the GPS any cheaper?
Looking at buying an Outdoor GPS unit? In this video we look at the differences between GPS Training or Outdoor GPS Shop.
1. GPS Training - the store
Get a personalised GPS recommendation from GPS Training.
2. Outdoor GPS Shop (budget website)
9. What's the difference between a route, track and course on a Garmin GPS unit?
1 - 00:00 - Introduction
2 - 00:25 - What is a route?
3 - 01:28 - What is a track?
4 - 04:12 - What is a course?
10. What is going on with the Motorola Defy - satellite Link?
1 - 00:00 – Introduction to the latest edition of FAQ’s – Motorola Defy – Satellite Link
2 - 01:00 – Why have we not discussed this subject before, our sources and some background
3 - 03:25 – Will your existing Motorola Defy – satellite Link continue to work?
4 - 03:50 – What will happen when your current contract finishes?
5 - 07:10 – Will live tracking be introduced on the Motorola Defy – Satellite Link?
6 - 07:55 – If you buy a new Motorola Defy – Satellite Link can you activate it and will it work?
7 - 09:44 – Please do share your thoughts, feedback and please lets share your knowledge if you have any
11. Do I have to pre plan my walk - GPS unit
And Finally
If you have a subject, you would like to look at in this FAQ’s series please leave a comment in the comment box below.
Tony Deall
My Motorola Defy appears to be working in that it picks up the satellite signal and I can send messages.
Unfortunately these messages are not being received. I have no means of knowing if the SOS facility is working as I have not had to use it so far!
Can you offer any advice as to whether this is a common problem or if I should cut my losses and look foe a more reliable unit.
Very helpful as ever, Jon. This was one of the main ‘lightbulb’ moments for me when I attended a residential course with you recently. I wasn’t uploading a route to my GPS66 unit, but just using the map and my location to navigate.
For the Motorola defy do you who is supporting the hardware now?
A very interesting comparison. On the basis of your observations I will stick with my GPS 66s for now but I wonder if your view about navigational experience changes if, instead of Ordnance Survey mapping, a user loaded Open Source Mapping on a watch. I use OSM on my 66s and I know OSM could be loaded on some Garmin watch models – no idea about Corus.
Ray Grange
Dear Jon
Very interesting video. I was concerned that if I update from my 66s I would not like a model with inbuilt batteries but you have given me confidence that it will be ok especially if it will be possible to change the battery pack. At present I am on a long distance walk in France and charge my 66s each night with the inbuilt charger and using eneloop batteries with a plastic drip underneath so that the charger works. This means I do not have to carry a charger.