Garmin BirdsEye Select Great Britain PLUS
After what feels like an eternity Garmin have launched an all-new ‘BirdsEye Select Great Britain PLUS’ voucher bundled in with many of their outdoor GPS units. An affordable and flexible way to get 1:25k Ordnance Survey maps onto a Garmin GPS device.
So, what can you do with the Birdseye PLUS voucher?
With this voucher, it enables you to download 25,000 sq km of Ordnance Survey 1:25k maps for Great Britain.
And how big is 25,000 sq km, which is the area you get with a Birdseye PLUS voucher?
Garmin state it is ‘roughly equal to the squared kilometre coverage of all British National Parks’ but it does not have to be used for just areas of National Parks, you can download any area or areas that you want.
Some examples of areas you may relate to better –
Wales – 20,735 sq km
Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Glos, Wits and Dorset totals - 23,000 sq km
Sussex, Hants, Berks, Oxon, Bucks, Herts, London, Surrey and Kent totals – 23,500 sq km
Does the 1:25k map download you get with the Birdseye PLUS download have turn by turn data in the mapping like the Garmin TOPO PRO map cards do, when I am in a National Park?
No it does not.
How long have I got to download this Birdseye Select Great Britain PLUS mapping?
You have one year to download the mapping once you have activated your credit.
How do I activate the Birdseye PLUS voucher so I can download my mapping?
I hope you would expect nothing less, but here at GPS Training we post you out a 11-page step by step guide of exactly what you need to do.
How much memory will 25,000 sq km of 1:25k Ordnance survey mapping take up on my GPS unit?
If you download all 25,000 sq km it will take up 2gb of memory, this can go on the internal memory or on a micro Sd card that can sit in the back of your unit.
With this new option from Garmin, it now gives another exciting option when looking at a Garmin GPS unit.
Other pages relating to the Birdseye plus Voucher
1. Garmin Birdseye Plus Voucher
2. Garmin GPS units - each can be bundled with Birdseye Plus voucher
3. Best budget, top end and large screen GPS units.
4. Garmin map options for an outdoor GPS device.