Special offer - SatMap user upgrade
We have a special offer for SatMap users wishing to upgrade to a TwoNav GPS unit, free Ordnance Survey Maps.
Offer date: 22nd March - 5th April 2025 (but please feel free to submit your info before then)
Upgrade your SatMap GPS unit and get free OS maps - fill in this short form
TwoNav range of GPS units - view those here
Walk and talk videos
Walk and talk - TwoNav Terra - watch it here
Walk and talk - TwoNan Aventura 2 plus - watch it here
More about TwoNav
TwoNav, a breath of fresh air, more details about TwoNav GPS Units - more here
How it works
Complete the form to get started - form here
We'll send you a form to bring with your SatMap GPS unit/ map card to the Outdoor Show (NEC - 22nd and 23rd March) or include it with your SatMap/ map card if you are going to post your unit to GPS Training (offer runs 22nd March - 5th April 2025)
Send your SatMap GPS to GPS Training or bring it along to the NEC on the 22nd/ 23rd March, along with the form.
Receive your exclusive discount voucher, giving you free OS maps when purchasing a new TwoNav GPS from GPS Training online
Buy your new TwoNav GPS unit with free OS maps from the Outdoor Show, NEC
If you have any questions, please do get in touch.