The best GPS Unit for Geocaching
What is the best GPS unit for Geocaching is a question we get asked all the time.
Geocaching is a real-world, outdoor treasure hunting game using GPS-enabled devices.
Once downloaded onto the GPS device you navigate to a specific set of GPS coordinates and then attempt to find the geocache hidden at that location.
There are some basic Geocaching guidelines
- Do not place caches on private land without permission or in national parks or wilderness areas at all.
- Do not cross private property without permission to reach a geocache.
- Do not include offensive or inflammatory material in a cache.
- Maintain a "tread softly" and Leave No Trace philosophy.
In this video we look at the best Garmin GPS device, especially with the live geocaching that now comes on a number of Garmin GPS devices. Live Geocaching automatically links your Outdoor GPS unit to your personal geocaching.com account.
As discussed, the best GPS unit for Geocaching -
- Garmin Oregon 700 GPS unit for Geocaching
- Garmin Oregon 750 GPS unit for Geocaching
- Garmin GPSMAP66s GPS unit for Geocaching
- Garmin GPSMAP66st - now discontinues, replaced by Garmin GPSMAP 66sr
- Garmin GPSMAP66i GPS unit for Geocaching
Get your personal GPS recommendation here.
Further Reading
1. Best handheld Outdoor GPS Unit
2. Review of Garmin GPSMAP 66s
4. Walk and talk - a practical guide to the use of an Outdoor GPS Unit