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With SatMap ceasing to trade last year and with SatMap users no longer getting support from the manufacturer it has pushed many SatMap users to address the question, do I change my GPS unit.

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Garmin, satmap -

In this series of videos we look at how accurate is a GPS unit and which is the most accurate GPS Unit?

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Garmin, satmap -

The question we get asked all the time is which is best, Garmin or Satmap?Garmin and Satmap are the two leading makes of outdoor GPS devices for both walking and cycling with, but which is best, Garmin or Satmap?One thing I will tell you though, if you talk to a Garmin user, they will say they are the best and it you talk to a Satmap user they will tell you that theirs is the better GPS unit. But in our eyes Garmin and Satmap are two very different GPS units. One is not better than the other but they...

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