Best GPS Unit for an Ultra Event, like the Montane Spine Race
In this article and based on our own first-hand experiences we discuss our recommendation for the best type of handheld GPS device to use on an ultra-event such as the Montane Spine.
With an event like the Montane Spine we look at devices that can be used in all weather’s & temperatures, suitable for both daytime and night-time use with all the varying light conditions, be able to be used with gloves on, also weight and size needs to be taken into consideration along with ease of use and battery life.
With the Montane Spine Winter events such as the Montane Spine Winter Race, Montane Spine Winter Challenger & Montane Spine Winter Sprint a GPS Device is part of the compulsory kit.
For the Montane Spine Summer Race, Montane Spine Summer Challenger & Montane Spine Summer Sprint the use of a GPS device is recommended, from our own personal experiences we found using a Handheld GPS Device on the Montane Summer Spine an invaluable tool especially when navigating at night.
The video below gives you a great insight to what the Montane Summer Spine events are all about:
The video below gives you a great insight to what the Montane Winter Spine events are all about:
Starting with a Handheld GPS Device:
Using a Handheld GPS device gives us the option of viewing more detailed ordnance survey maps on a larger screen and with a Route supplied by the organisers such as the Montane spine we can view the route to follow overlayed on top of the map as a magenta line to follow and navigate with.
The Trip log screens on a handheld device can be setup to give us useful information with relation to destination distance, eta, speed walking etc.
With SatMap no longer producing handheld devices we look at the Garmin handheld devices as our choice, within the range of Garmin devices we start with the smaller screened and joystick controlled etrex22x & etrex32x models moving onto the mid-sized button controlled GPSMap65, GPSMap66 series units.
Starting with the smaller Garmin etrex22x & etrex 32x Handheld GPS Device models:
The main pros for these two units are:
The compact size and weight, both units only weigh 141.7g (Including 2 x AA Batteries not included)
Size of both units 5.4 x 10.3 x 3.3cm
Both these units have a high weather rating of IPX7 and the screens can be viewed in both sunlight and also work well when using a headtorch in the night, the screen is also backlit.
Against – both the etrex 22x & etrex 32x units use a small joystick control to move around the menus and screens, some customers do find this a bit more fiddley to use with gloves on or with cold hands over the larger button controlled units.
No button lock to stop accidental presses.
The screen on these two units is not quite as good to view in bright sunlight over the larger units although still better than when trying to view a mobile phone screen in bright sunlight, the smaller screen size of 5.6cm across the diagonal can make viewing the more detailed Ordnance Survey maps that are available as a bundle a bit harder especially with tired eyes.
With the etrex22x & etrex 32x units you need a computer and usb cable to personally transfer the GPX route or tracks files onto your own unit, whereas with some of the other units you can use a Garmin app and Bluetooth from a smart phone to transfer GPX route & track files onto your device.
In conclusion – If size and weight is one of your main considerations these units are good compact, lightweight & Robust units that you will hardly know you are carrying.
We would recommend the etrex 32x over the eTrex 22x as the etrex32x has an electronic compass which allows your device to display your direction of travel when stationary where-as with the etrex22x you need to be moving for the map to orientate with your direction of travel.
We have the unit available with both Ordnance Survey 1:50k Landranger maps or the Ordnance Survey 1:25k Explorer Maps covering all of Great Britain.
The most popular option with this unit for the size of screen tends to be the OS 1:50k Map Bundle.
More info on the eTrex range can be found from this link – Garmin eTrex Range
Both units only required 2 x AA batteries so easy to carry spares, with an estimated battery life of around 20 – 25hr using Lithium AA batteries.
For rechargeable batteries one of the best type that we have found for better battery life is the Panasonic Eneloop pro Batteries – more info here
We now move onto the mid-sized push button Garmin Handheld units such as the GPSMap65s & GPSMap 66 series, these units are our preferred choice and recommendation for events such as the Montane Spine series as we discuss below.
Garmin GPSMap65 & GPSMap65s series
The main pros for these two units are:
Larger push button control, which we have personally found to be easier to use when navigating around the screens and menus over the joystick control found on the smaller etrex units.
We also find the button control easier to use with gloves on than the joystick control of the etrex units.
The GPSMap65 & GPSMap65s series include multi-band GNSS support, this gives you improved accuracy and a quicker satellite lock especially when in steep country, urban canyons and forests with dense trees.
The GPSMap65 & GPSMap65s units have a slightly larger screen than the etrex units coming in at 6.6cm across the diagonal.
We find if using the more detailed Ordnance Survey map bundles that the maps load and move a bit quicker when panning around than they do on the etrex units.
Both these units have a high weather rating of IPX7 and the screens can be viewed in both sunlight and also work well when using a headtorch in the night, the screen is also backlit.
The Garmin Explore Mobile App is compatible with the GPSMap65 & GPSMap65s units meaning you can transfer GPS tracks and routes to the unit from the app on a Mobile device using Bluetooth.
Although not a particularly heavy device, they are larger and weightier than the smaller compact etrex units:
Weight 217g (Including 2 x AA Batteries not included)
Size of both units 5.4 x 10.3 x 3.3cm
No button lock to stop accidental presses.
In conclusion – An ideal unit If you are looking for a robust very accurate Handheld GPS Device with button over joystick control and a slightly larger screen over the etrex range.
Despite its larger size over the etrex range it is still quite a slim unit that can be fitted in many backpack pockets or used with the very popular Garmin backpack Tether.
We would recommend the GPSMap65s over the GPSMap65 as the ‘S’ version has an electronic compass which allows your device to display your direction of travel when stationary where-as with the GPSMap65 you need to be moving for the map to orientate with your direction of travel.
More info on the GPSMap65 series can be found from this link – Garmin GPSMap65 Series
Both units only required 2 x AA batteries so easy to carry spares, with an estimated battery life of around 16hrs using Lithium AA batteries.
For rechargeable batteries one of the best type that we have found for better battery life is the Panasonic Eneloop pro Batteries – more info here
Garmin GPSMap66s, GPSMap66sr & GPSMap66i series
The pictures before show a GPSMap86i unit, this unit is virtually the same as the GPSMP66i series other than has flotation built-in for marine use as well.

The Garmin GPSMap66 series of devices is our most popular range for Hikers, Walkers & trail Runners alike and would be one of our most favoured Handheld GPS Devices for an event such as the Montane Spine.
Within the GPSMap66 series we have 3 x options, the differences between these options are as follows:
Powered by 2 x AA batteries
GPSMap66sr (Now replaced by the GPSMap67 - more info)
All as per the GPSMap66s other than the following 3 x features:
Powered by Rechargeable, internal lithium-ion battery
Has Multi-Band GNSS
Pre-loaded on the internal storage is Garmin’s Topo Active European Mapping
All as per the GPSMap66s other than the following 3 x features:
Comes with Garmin’s inReach two way satellite communication, a subscription based service that gives you an SOS button to use in emergency when you have no mobile signal, two-way messaging & tracking with friends & family using Satellites to transmit.
Powered by Rechargeable, internal lithium-ion battery
Pre-loaded on the internal storage is Garmin’s Topo Active European Mapping
The main pros for the GPSMap66, 66sr & 66i series are:
Larger push button control, which we have personally found to be easier to use when navigating around the screens and menus over the joystick control found on the smaller etrex units.
We also find the button control easier to use with gloves on than the joystick control of the etrex units.
The buttons on the GPSMap66 series are also backlit which you do not get on the GPSMap65 series.
The GPSMap66 series has an option to lock the keys to stop accidental presses of the buttons.
The GPSMap66sr version includes multi-band GNSS support, this gives you improved accuracy and a quicker satellite lock especially when in steep country, urban canyons and forests with dense trees.
The GPSMap66 Series units have the largest screen over both the etrex series & GPSMap65 series, measuring 7.6cm across the diagonal.
As per the GPSMap65 series we find if using the more detailed Ordnance Survey map bundles that the maps load and move a bit quicker when panning around than they do on the etrex units.
Both these units have a high weather rating of IPX7 and the screens can be viewed in both sunlight and also work well when using a headtorch in the night, the screen is also backlit.
As well as the Garmin Explore Mobile App the Garmin Connect Mobile App can also be used on a smart phone to transfer GPS tracks and routes to the unit using Bluetooth, we find the Garmin connect app the easiest method to transfer GPX Routes or Tracks to your unit when you do not have a computer available.
Although not a particularly heavy device, they are larger and weightier than the smaller compact etrex units:
Weight 230g
Size of units 6.2x 16.3 x 3.5cm
Despite its larger size over the etrex range it is still quite a slim unit that can be fitted in many backpack pockets or used with the very popular Garmin backpack Tether
In conclusion – Out of the range of Garmin Handheld units as all the above that have joystick / button control for all seasons use and are compact enough to carry on long-distance Hikes, Trail Runs, Ultra events etc such as the Montane Spine Winter or Montane Spine summer events our favoured unit would be one of the GPSMap66 series units with an Ordnance Survey Map bundle.
We find the push button control over joystick control much easier to use and especially when tired and with cold hands or glove control.
The GPSMap66 Series having the larger screen size of all the units above makes viewing the more detailed Ordnance Survey Map options a better experience.
The screen on the GPSMap66 series is the best one that we have used for viewing in bright sunshine or night-time use with a headtorch, both of which are great when taking part in an event such as the Montane Spine.
We like the key lock button to stop accidental button presses, the GPSMap66 series units are the only ones within the above range to have a key lock option.
Having the option of a device with the built-in inReach two way satellite communication and SOS button is a great feature especially if going into areas with limited or no mobile connection, although on an event like the Montane Spine you are provided with a tracking device and the event has great backup and support looking after you and following your movements.
If you are not requiring the inReach two-way satellite feature, we would recommend for the Montane Winter Spine, Montane Summer Spine or for similar events either the GPSMap66s or GPSMap66sr with one of the Ordnance Survey Map Bundles.
For those who prefer to use AA batteries and carry your own spare AA batteries the GPSMap65s is a great choice with approximately 16hrs battery life with a set of AA Lithium batteries.
The GPSMap66sr version gives you a built in rechargeable internal lithium-ion battery with a battery life of approximately 30hrs, you also have the added benefit of Multi-Band GNSS for a potentially more accurate and faster satellite lock.
With this type of unit we would recommend for power backup carrying a power bank along the lines of a Goal Zero Venture 35.
An event like the Montane Spine Winter, Montana Spine Summer race will normally provide you with the GPX Route / track file to load onto your GPS device to help navigate with on screen.
We still find the navigational experience with a Handheld device is better if you also have detailed Ordnance Survey Map on your device for the route / track to be viewed over.
All the units above are available to purchase with Ordnance Survey 1:50k Landranger Maps covering all Great Britain or the more detailed Ordnance Survey 1:25k Explorer Maps.
The big advantage of the 1:25k maps are that field boundaries are also marked and would be our preferred choice.
The Garmin GPSMap66 series has now been replaced by the NEW GPSMAp67 series which have far greater built-in battery life -
More info on the GPSMap67 here
More info on the GPSMap67i here